
Check out our weekly blog posts to stay up-to-date with the latest achievements in our Fabrication and Assembly/Machining Centers. Each article showcases our weekly accomplishments, ranging from restoration and maintenance to exciting new discoveries and events we’ve hosted or attended. If you’re interested in learning even more about our work, consider becoming a member! Members gain access to exclusive content, including detailed insights and discoveries from our Research and Workshop Staff through our Inside Track magazine. Plus, members can attend a variety of events, including visits and talks within our workshops, to see our work in action. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience our work firsthand! Join our community and become a member today.

Renault FT – Engine In!

The main event in the Workshop this week was installing one of the engine’s into the FT. A slow and delicate procedure as you can…

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Renault FT & TSF This week

This week we continued with the fitting of the suspension beam and later in the week began fitting the main suspension housing and the hull…

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Renault FT – Update

The six Renault FT brake bands have come back from being re-lined. We have two originals and four are newly made. We have also had…

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Renault TSF, Renault FT

This week we have continued dismantling the remains of the Renault TSF super structure to recover any usable nuts and bolts. We are also looking…

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Renault TSF

This week work on the TSF cupola was largely completed. The cupola itself has been repaired by using sections of a new cast cupola. The…

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Renault TSF, Renault FT

Detail Work Focus continued on the restoration of all of the small components within the Renault TSF “Blockhaus” Turret. Great attention was spent on saving…

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Renault TSF

The focus this week was on rebuilding the Renault TSF. We are cataloguing the progress with a time lapse camera. You’ll find updates on our…

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