Putting the finishing touches to Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie

A shorter week after the New Year and Christmas break has been taken up with a determined effort to complete the known internal fittings for the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie. Items such as the internally mounted Sucher searchlight (article in this week’s Inside Track), spare visor glass holders specific to the 4.Serie armoured cars, retaining strap for the Fusprech.a radio, seat spring for the driver, spare windscreen holder on the left of the driver – specific again to the 4.Serie. The Notek holder within the crew cabin and so on and so on.

What remains is the strap and fitting of the Verbandkasten in the forward driver’s area, questions remain over the strapping detail for the 2cm magazine stowage bins which are fitted to the interior of the fighting compartment. The auto electrician is now able to return given that the team are now largely out of the Sd.Kfz.222 interior. The inside of this vehicle is very cramped indeed and is getting worse as we fit further components.

Quite exciting to contemplate the Sd.Kfz.223 project on the go once again. Some time next week… hopefully!

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