This week has been significant for our Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie project. Very rare original brake lights long since identified have been secured, a very early Torn E.b. receiver radio, its power pack and base have all been secured this week. In addition to all of this we discovered 3 very rare Funker seats and their bases for the Pz III (see below). These are not required by us but have aided us in understanding the seats of the era.
The Funker seat for the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie has now been fully drafted by our research team. This has resulted in a full set of drawings allowing the team to be able to complete one example next week. Once this has been checked and approved we will proceed with the second example.
The Kochgeschirr mess tin holders specific to our 1939 issued Sd.Kfz.223 have now been researched, drawn and fabricated. The first example was incorrect, the drawing was corrected and we now have 3 complete Kochgeschirr mess tin holders. This research and subsequent results will be published shortly in Inside Track our members journal.
The Renault TSF is back together again. A test drive was conducted checking out the steering clutches which were relined. All in good working order!!
Have a good weekend everyone!!