Education for All

What is Education for All?

The Weald Foundation programme ‘Education for All’ is partnering with independent schools to help them clearly demonstrate and promote their ‘Public Benefit’ obligations to the Charity Commission regarding engaging and assisting the most disadvantaged and needy children in our communities.

Why Partner with Us?

The Weald Foundation is a registered charitable organisation specialising in education, established to preserve, restore, and maintain historic military vehicles from both World Wars, and to educate the public about their history. We are now regarded as international experts and leaders in the restoration and conservation of rare military vehicles, possessing what is considered one of the finest working collections in the world.

At the Weald Foundation, schools, engineers, historians, modellers, enthusiasts, and collectors come together to discover and learn. We have highly skilled and qualified staff who reach out to our most disadvantaged communities, engaging and educating hundreds of some of our poorest and most disadvantaged children, as well as children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabled children, providing them with skills to help them excel in life.

Helping your school to contribute towards the education of poor and disadvantaged children, and at the same time providing your schoolchildren with a rare and engaging educational experience with a world-leading organisation, is a great opportunity to meet National Curriculum core subject objectives in History, ICT, Mathematics, Science, Art, Design and Technology, and especially Social Health and Citizenship.

Benefits for your School

  1. A letter of support for ISI inspections
    • Demonstrate that the school offers rare, specialised, and innovative educational provisions in collaboration with an internationally reputed educational charity, enhancing the school’s reputation and helping it excel in key curriculum areas.
  2. Annual Statement of Impact
    • An annual statement detailing engagement numbers and educational outcomes for poor and disadvantaged children in the community, which supports the school’s claims of public benefit and educational impact.
  3. Letter of Support for Charity Commission
    • A letter of support from our Foundation outlining the partnership’s objectives and its public benefit, particularly in educating poor and disadvantaged children, which can be included in the annual submission to the Charity Commission.
  4. Educational Visits to the Workshop
    • Schoolchildren can visit our workshop in Yalding, Kent, which is easily accessible and offers learning experiences throughout the year.
  5. Free access to educational resources
    • Free access to online educational videos and learning plans, providing an excellent learning resource.

Other Benefits for a Partnered School

  1. Discount on group visits
    • Take advantage of a 50% reduction in the cost of group visits (Partner Rate – £15.00) to our workshop compared to non-registered partner schools (Standard Rate – £30.00).
  2. Education Account for research archive
    • Access to our research archive, which includes rare documents, photos, and journals – an invaluable resource for enhancing teaching and learning.
  3. Visibility as a Partner School
    • Visual notification on our website, materials, and annual report to the Charity Commission highlights the school as a partner organisation, thereby publicising its commitment to social responsibility and education for the disadvantaged.
  4. Dedicated Professional Contact
    • A dedicated contact, the Chief Military Heritage Officer – Dr Patrick Tierney, will assist and support the school, ensuring smooth collaboration and maximised benefits from the partnership.

Become a Partnered School Today

Contact Us

For more information about our ‘Education for All’ programme, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone. We look forward to welcoming your school to the Weald Foundation.

Education for All